Soffit & Fascia

What is Soffit

Soffit is underneath your roof’s overhang. Vented soffit is extremely important because having ventilation and circulation in your attic helps keep a steady airflow which prevents moisture build up that may cause mold to form. During hot summer months the soffit helps heat release from your attic keeping it cool and optimizes airflow in your home. It also helps keep animals and insects from entering your home.

What is Fascia

Fascia is the lower edge that runs along your roof line of shingles or steel. The fascia is very important because that is what your eaves trough is secured to and needs to be able to hold the weight during those heavy downpours and snow loads in the winter. Covering your fascia boards in aluminum gives them that extra protection and keeps the wood from rotting.

What We Offer

We carry vented and solid aluminum soffits in a variety of colours to suit your needs and preference. If you have a covered porch that does not need ventilation solid soffit is a great option. Your fascia goes hand in hand with your soffit and together they can also improve the look of your home on the exterior if your looking for a fresh new look.  Coming in a wide variety of colours.

An attic needs to be properly ventilated for two reasons: to remove unwanted moisture and relieve build up of heat.

A properly ventilated attic works by convection, which is the natural passive movement of ai from a cool location to a warm one. Typical roof ventilation is established by installing low vents along the eaves of the roof, and high vents along or near the roof ridge or gable. Since the air in the attic is warmer at the ridge than at the eaves, a natural airflow or draft is created as lower temperature air is drawn in through the low vents, pushing the higher temperature air out the high vents.

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Seamless Eavestroughs